Player profile of: Nikita Bychkouski
Rating history | ||||||
List | Grade(s) | Elo | Total | Games | Wins (%) | |
2024-08-04 | 1173 | 3 | ||||
2024-07 | 1173 | 3 | ||||
2024-01 | 1173 | 3 | ||||
2023-07 | 1173 | 3 | 3 | 2 (66%) | ||
3 | 2 (66%) |
Tournament history | ||||||
Event | Date | Elo | +/- | Rank | Games | Promoted to |
Rated games in the Minsk Gymnasium 16 | 2023-01-30 | 1173* | 12 | 3 | ||
0 | 3 |