16.01.2025 | News

OSHOSEN 2025 – game 1

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The Oshosen is one of the 8 major tournaments in shôgi, it delivers the Osho (王将) title (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Csh%C5%8D_(shogi).

It exists since 1951, is sponsored by Mainichi shinbun news paper and takes places every year from january to march.

The final match is played against the former Osho and the the winner of the qualifiers, for a first to win 4 games match. (visit the blog : https://mainichi.jp/oshosen2025 )

The time control is 8 hours each, plus 1 minute byo-yomi, played on 2 days, interrupted by a sealed move at the end of the first day.

12th and 13th january 2025 took place the first game of the 74th Oshosen between FUJII Sota (title owner, https://www.shogi.or.jp/player/pro/307.html ) and NAGASE Takuya (challenger, https://www.shogi.or.jp/player/pro/276.html).

FUJII Sota won the first game in 112 moves leading 1-0 in the match.

The picture of the winner was taken to celebrate the year of snake.

Please see below the complete kifu.

Upcoming tournaments
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London May 2025 Tournament and Teaching Event
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Open Dutch Shogi Championship
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XXI Italian Shogi Championship
28.06.2025 | Italy
Open European Blitz Shogi Championship 2025
24.07.2025 | Poland
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25.07.2025 | Poland
Tournaments details